Lionel Fenn Painter & Illustrator Walter Velez passed away on August 24th, 2018. All pieces available from his estate are his original works.
Kent Montana and the Once and Future King
Kent Montana and the Once and Future King
By Charles L. Grant, originally published under the pen name Lionel Fenn. Acrylic on canvas for Ace Books. 1990. 13”x 24"
Kent Montana and the Reasonably Invisible Man
Kent Montana and the Reasonably Invisible Man
By Charles L. Grant, originally published under the pen name Lionel Fenn. Acrylic on canvas for Ace Books. 1990. 13”x 19"
666: The Neighbor of the Beast
666: The Neighbor of the Beast
By Charles L. Grant, originally published under the pen name Lionel Fenn. Acrylic on canvas for Ace Books. 1991. 14”x 24"
The Really Ugly Thing from Mars
The Really Ugly Thing from Mars
By Charles L. Grant, originally published under the pen name Lionel Fenn. Acrylic on canvas for Ace Books. 1989. 13”x 24"
By the Time I Get to Nashville
By the Time I Get to Nashville
By Charles L. Grant, originally published under the pen name Lionel Fenn. Acrylic on canvas for Ace Books. 1993. 14”x 24"
Once Upon a Time in the East
Once Upon a Time in the East
By Charles L. Grant, originally published under the pen name Lionel Fenn. Acrylic on canvas for Ace Books. 1995. 14”x 24"
Time: The Semi-Final Frontier
Time: The Semi-Final Frontier
By Charles L. Grant, originally published under the pen name Lionel Fenn. Acrylic on canvas for Ace Books. 14”x 24"
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