Painter & Illustrator Walter Velez passed away on August 24th, 2018.
My name is Jill Bauman and I’ve been Walter’s agent since 1978. At this time, I will be posting some of Walter’s art on eBay so that his wife can pay medical and other bills that accumulated during his long illness.
All pieces available from his estate are his original works.
• Misc. Fantasy & S.F.
• Easton Press
• Craig Shaw Gardner
• Lionel Fenn
• Myth
• Phule
• Space
• Thieves’ World
About Walter Velez
Walter Velez was born in the Spanish Harlem section of New York City. He attended the High School of Art and Design. He later attended the School of Visual Arts to study Anatomy, Illustration and Graphic Design. One of his teachers was the late Burne Hogarth who created the Tarzan comic strip from 1937-1950 and was the author of a number of anatomy books for artists.
I began representing Walter in 1978. At that time I was also embarking on an illustration career.
Walter began illustrating work for most of the major book and gaming companies. He created cover art for such popular series as “Thieves World” and the “Myth” series by Robert Asprin published by Ace books. He also applied his multi-faceted talents for trading cards for the “Goosebumps” series for the Topps company, a series of “Dune” trading cards and produced many games and books for TSR as well.
In the early 80’s Walter worked with Random house to create several “Star Wars” books that were licensed from George Lucas.
Walter consistently turned out colorful, well-composed and wonderfully light-hearted interpretations of the books he had been commissioned to illustrate. His ‘visual signature” was often a witty interpretation; always well thought out and rendered with a sure hand.